Tanks on Demand

Calculate VOC emissions and PM releases resulting from the normal and special operation of every type of tank at the most competitive price possible.

Tanks Software on Demand

Calculate VOC emissions and PM releases resulting from the normal and special operation of every type of tank at the most competitive price possible.

Centralized Platform

Throughputs and emission determinations (with and without speciation) are kept within a single web-based application.


Accurate Reporting

Built-in regulatory formulas for over 200,000 chemicals are always kept up to date within our Master Chemical List.


No More Spreadsheets

Save countless hours of data management and minimize manual entry errors with automated report generation.


One-Year Contracts

Take advantage of a low-cost solution with rapid implementation and start-up and no unexpected fees.

Need to generate Tanks reports at a moment’s notice? ERA has you covered.

Our dedicated Tanks solution accounts for every variable and will ensure you produce exactly the reports you need: VOC-speciated, working/breathing losses, EPA Tanks 4.09D replica, and more!

ERA’s advanced methodology incorporates:

  • Antoine and Riedel coefficients for organic liquids

  • Your products’ material throughput and HAPs, VHAPs, and VOC content

  • Meteorological data from the city nearest to your facility

  • Enhanced True Vapor Pressure (TVP) or Reid Vapor Pressure (RVP) determinations


The Most Comprehensive Reporting Tool in the Market

ERA’s Tanks on Demand Module stores all material data, regulations, calculations, emissions data, tank characteristics, product usage records, throughput, and control devices within one online repository for secure and streamlined processing.

It combines advanced American Petroleum Institute (API) methodologies, AP-42 chapter 7 requirements from the EPA, and in-depth regulatory information on any chemical and substance you may use in your processes to deliver the most accurate and comprehensive emission calculations possible.

Looking for a Tanks Management System capable of handling multiple tanks?

ERA's Tanks enterprise solution is the most reliable tool for producing emission reports for all the tanks in your facility.


Which types of tanks are covered?
Horizontal and vertical fixed roof, internal and external floating roof, domed external floating roof, open-top, and mobile tanks.
Which operating scenarios does the system calculate?
Blending, loading, heated processing, working losses, standing losses, and breathing losses.
Which of my tank’s features will form part of the final calculation?
All of them! Its type, dimensions, capacity, storage temperature, paint color, unload rate, capture efficiency, and just about any other parameter you can measure.

Types of Tanks Covered


Open Top Tanks


Horizontal Tanks


Domed External Floating Tank


Vertical Fixed Roof Tanks


Internal/External Floating Tanks

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Mobile Tanks


A dedicated EMS professional will guide you through the setup process and train your staff on data entry and report generation. The software will be calibrated to your facility’s exact specifications the moment you sit down to use it.
